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Thank you for taking the time to visit my personal website. This is my personal website I use to have some fun with and express some of my taste, activities and news.

I’m widely known as a Noted Expert Web Developer and CEO of Image IZ Everything. I often post content about me, but also post content about some of my Clients.

I have been very blessed in my life, and live each day knowing it’s an absolute gift.

Here is some brief information about me.

Name: Leroy Cheavor Duggins
Age: 50
Height: 6’1″
Zodiac: Gemini
Status: Single
Occupation: Expert Web Developer/ Producer/ Designer/ Programmer
Title: Pres./CEO/Owner of Image IZ Everything – Expert Web Developers & Designers.
Born & Raised: St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands (Rock City, Ras Valley)
Raised: in The Bronx, NY (South Bronx)
Live: Manhattan, NY
High School: Morris H.S., in The South Bronx
College: N.Y.U. (New York University), BS in Computer Science


Q & As
I get asked a lot of the same questions daily. So I’ve decided to create a Q&A section. This should answer a few popular questions I’m asked.


Q. 01) Why am I Single?
A. Because it gives me the time and energy to focus on my Businesses & Travel. Get your Passport Stamped Up!
Q. 02) Did you Design & Build this site?
A. Yes. I’m an Expert Web Developer / Designer / Programmer. This is one of my Personal websites I use to have fun with. I’ve built over a 1,000 Professional websites to date.
Q. 03) What do you like to do for fun?
A. Well, Developing websites is fun for me, It doesn’t feel like work to me. I love being creative. But I also enjoy Traveling to different countries, Plays, Concerts, Art Galleries, Museums, Shopping and Stimulating Conversations with positive people.
Q. 04) How long have you been Developing websites.
A. I’ve been developing websites for over 20+ years, before most people was interested in websites and when the web mostly just had BBS Boards (numbers & text).
Q. 05) Do you have any kids?
A. No. Because I’m not married.
Q. 06) What’s your Search Engine Ranking?
A. I’m rated #2 on, #3 on and #2 on when searching using the phrase “Expert Web Developers”. It has been that way for many years. That’s due to the many websites and work I’ve done on the internet, and from many years of promotion and recognition on the internet.
Q. 07) Where do you live?
A. I reside in New York City / Manhattan
Q. 08) How many websites have you developed over the years?
A. I’ve developed over a 1,000 Professional & Private websites to date. For clients of all type: small & large companies, individuals, celebrities, regular folks, private clubs and helped other developers with their projects.
Q. 09) Are you down-to-earth?
A. Very 🙂 I believe in exuding positive energy and treating others like you’d like to be treated 🙂
Q. 10) What schoold did u attend to learn your trade?
A. I have a BS from New York University, and Also attended Albert Merrill in manhattan and majored in Computer Progamming. Graduated high in the class 🙂 But, I learned my Web Development skills on my own.
Q. 11) What made u go into Website designing?
A. Well, I’ve always been involved with computers and the music industry for over 20 years, and what better way to combine the two. I also love combining graphics with Flash Animation, Music and Computer Technology.
Q. 12) What are your goals?
A. To have property in New York, The Virgin Islands and California. Have all my family and good friends prosper with me. As well as to some day build private schools in the Inner-city and make it free for kids. Big Goals.
Q. 13) Where do your ideas come from?
A. My ideas come from a variety of places:
* Current Events
* My own personal taste.
* Brainstorming.
* Randomly selecting ideas.
* Meditating.
* and a few others I can’t remember at the moment 🙂
Q. 14) If you wasn’t doing Web Development, what would you be doing?
A. I’d be focusing on being a major rap star :-))
Q. 15) What type of people do you interact with and like?
A. I Gravitate toward individuals that are Positive, Honest, Straight-forward, Business-minded and Ambitious.
Q. 16) Can you Build me a website that’s custom designed to my needs?
A. Absolutely! All the websites I develop are custom designed and tailored to my clients needs and target audience.
Q. 17) How can I get in contact with you?
A. Go to my corporate site: and fillout the Price Quote form.
Q. 18) Is it expensive for you to Build me a website?
A. I develop websites of all ranges. Many sites I develop range from $2,000 to $50,000 and sometimes more. But I can custom fit a site around your budget. Go to my corporate site and fillout the Easy Price Quote Form.
Q. 19) What are some of your Dis-Likes?
A. * People that complain daily.
* Procastinators.
* Excuses.
* Drama.
* Spiders.
* I don’t eat meat.
* Super Emotional people.
* People that claim to be shy (because shy people are to shy to say they are).
* Compulsive Liars (it’s best to be real and be judged for being you).
Q. 20) What are some of your Likes?
A. * Business-minded women.
* Strong, Intelligent, Motivated, Beautiful Women.
* I Love taking photos of Birds (i’ve taken over 2,000 pics of birds).
* Traveling to new Countries.
* Artworks: Paintings, Art-Deco, Photos.
* Candles.
* Rainy Days & Snowy Nights.
* Red Wine (South African).
* Aggressive Women.
* Plays, Concerts, Movies.
* Vegetarian Dishes.
Q. 21) I’m sure you run into a lot of fake clients. How do you know when a person is serious about wanting a website?
A. When a person is serious about wanting a website they:* Fillout the Price Quote form on my corporate site and Pay a deposit for me to begin.
Q. 22) Do you ever sleep? lol
A. I only need between 2 to 3 hours of sleep. Have been doing that for many years. Because I eat right, I have more energy and require less sleep. So, It’s normal for me to be up till 7 & 9am every day.
Q. 23) You should be in movies or something. Have you ever thought about that?
A. Actually I played an extra in the movie “New Jack City” (thanks to Ice T) and a few other small parts.
Q. 24) Do you like sports, who are your teams?
A. All my teams are New York teams 🙂 The Yankees, The Knicks and so on. I’m also a fan of NBA Basketbal Stars: Tim Duncan & Roger Bell. They are both from the Virgin Islands. Win or Loose, Do or Die like a Real Fan should 🙂
Q. 25) I see your building a New York Style version to your site. What will that one look like?
A. Well, It will have the feel of my neigborhood in NY and the V.I. as well as many popular locations in NY and the Virgin Islands. As well it will be 3D and it might include Virtual Reality also. It will be full of Animations and Creativity. Something to look out for.
Q. 26) Do you live alone?
A. Yes, nothing like having your own space and privacy.
Q. 27) List 1 thing you’d like to do.
A. Go skydiving 🙂


  • July 10, 2009 4:27 amPosted 15 years ago

    Props man, we have a lot of the same goals and interest.
    The best thing about you, you mos def know how to enjoy life and appreciate it. That’s important. Stay up

    Power and Prosperity

  • Visit site
    September 12, 2010 7:34 pmPosted 14 years ago
    Bryant Davis

    I am a student @ Art Institute Of Pittsburgh and i am seeking my BS in web design. I would love to get some tips from you as to how to get and keep a clients’ interest. I just started school at the age of 40. I would also like to know the basics of how you got started developing websites.

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